By Jennifer Parris
The birds are chirping and the weather is getting warmer. It can only mean one thing–it’s time to do some spring cleaning! But if you thought that cleaning only consisted of some light dusting and mopping, think again. Spring cleaning is synonymous with a deep clean, and in order to do it properly, you’re going to have to devote several days to the project. That’s why you should consult this spring cleaning checklist to help make your home neat and tidy.

Gather Supplies
Spring cleaning requires a whole lot more than just window cleaner and some paper towels. You’re going to need a surplus of supplies in order to clean properly.
You’ll need a broom, mop, and cleaners that are specific to the areas that you’re going to work on. And if you’re looking to use less chemical-based cleaners, make sure to have white vinegar and baking soda, both of which can be used to make your home spotless.
Figure Out Your Floors
Of course, you sweep and mop your floors, but you’ll have to give careful consideration if you have carpeting in your home. It won’t be enough to simply vacuum; you’ll need to shampoo your carpets (and rugs) as well. You can pay to have it done professionally, or you can purchase (or even rent) a shampoo machine specifically designed for getting the grime out of rugs and carpets.
Dust Your Home
In order to have a deep clean, you’ll need to dust your home—every inch of it. That means removing any and all items from places like shelves and counters, and giving them a good wipe down with a duster and cleaning solution. Then, before you put the items back, consider whether you really need them or not so that you can cut down on clutter, too.
Consider The Drapes
If you’re going to wash your windows, then you need to make sure that your window treatments are tidy and clean, too. Remove blinds and wash them so that they’re free of dirt and dust. And if you have curtains or drapes, wash them in the washing machine if it’s safe to do so.
Wash Your Windows
They say that windows are the eyes to the home, so make sure yours are bright and clean. Dust the window frames and then use a window cleaning solution to clean your windows completely. You might need to do this a couple of times to ensure that your windows are clean—including the window screens.
Polish Hardware
From doorknobs to drawer pulls, there are lots of places in your home that could use some polishing. Look for cleaners that not only eliminate the grime, but will also make the surfaces shiny and smooth again. Depending on the level of dirt, you may find that you’ll have to use various types of polishes.
Wax Your Furniture
If you thought that you could just spritz a little polish on furniture and call it a day, think again. Wood furniture requires a special cleaning process in order for it to look like new. Try wiping down the surface with water and a gentle liquid soap, and then use a paste wax to polish and buff your wooden furniture back to its former glory.
Replace Your Batteries
Smoke detectors are an easy thing to miss when you’re doing a deep clean, but they should be one of your top priorities. Make sure to change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and give them a good dusting, too. And in terms of safety, check your fire extinguisher’s expiration date (yes, it has one!) to ensure that it’s still functional.
We hope this spring cleaning checklist gives your home (and you) a fresh new start. Put forth the effort that’s required and your home will be sparkly and new in no time.
For more cleaning hacks check out our blog Tricks for a Clutter Free Kitchen!