How To Create An Industrial Design Look

By Jennifer Parris

Even if you love the look of it, there might be one style you’ve shied away from—industrial design. After all, when most people think of an industrial design look, they often think of brick walls and exposed ductwork. And unless your space is situated smack dab in the middle of a turn-of-the-century factory, you might think that it’s almost impossible to incorporate industrial design into a suburban home. Well, it’s a lot easier to create an industrial design look than you might think. Here’s how to make your space industrial—and aesthetically amazing.  

Nail The Neutrals

At the heart of the industrial design look is a neutral color palette. So if you’re planning on making your space more industrial, you should select shades that will work well with the look, like warm browns and tans. From there, you can create your design based on these hues.

Highlight What You Have

When it comes to the industrial design look, brick walls and duct work are the cornerstone of the look. If you have these elements already in your home, be sure to feature them. And if you don’t have them, you can always add them as part of your design budget.

Open Your Space  

Since industrial design is often found in loft spaces, you’ll need to rethink the layout of the area  you want to convert. Because there are few (if any) walls in a loft, you might want to open up the area. It might mean hiring a contractor to remove some walls (and put up support beams), or simply clearing your space of any additional clutter so that it’s more open.    

Mix Your Materials

Just because you want to create an industrial look in your home doesn’t mean that it has to be stark or sterile. In fact, mixing materials (such as metal and wood) can actually create a warm atmosphere. But before you go furniture shopping, be sure to look for woods that have a slightly weathered look. Find tables that have a live edge, since that can help soften some of the cleaner lines of the industrial look. In this case, furniture that has imperfections like scratches can be a good thing! And if you want to add in metal pieces, be sure that they’re brushed or oiled so that it matches the rest of your décor.

Add Industrial Elements

Although you want to ensure that your home is uncluttered, you still want to have accessories that complement your space. You can add accessories such as vintage artwork or even factory machine parts that can be as functional as they are beautiful. So instead of using them only as accessories, you might want to feature them as design elements in a shower head or as a lighting fixture.

With its mix of warmth, open spaces, and clean lines, the industrial design look is popular among homeowners of all ages. Don’t let living somewhere other than a loft be a deterrent to incorporating this aesthetic in your space. You can achieve it no matter where you call home.    
