How to Create a Home Spa with Little to No Expense

By Jennifer Parris

Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary, but you might want to dedicate a space for extra serenity. That’s where a home spa can help. Creating a home spa is a great way to relax after a long day, or even during times of turmoil when you might need some extra relief. The good news is that you don’t need to invest a lot in order to have a spa-like experience in your home. These tips can help you create a home spa–and say hello to some inner relaxation. Check out our guide on how to create a home spa!

Choose A Space

More often than not, people will probably choose a master bathroom as their designated spa space. After all, it has all the elements (i.e. a tub or other water access) that you might need in order to have relaxation. But you might find that making a spa in your bathroom isn’t a possibility. If that’s the case, look to a spare bedroom or a nook in your master bedroom that can serve to welcome serenity into your life. 

Look To The Light

You can’t have a spa without some sort of candle light. Not only do candles provide aromatherapeutic benefits (think lavender and vanilla scents as a means to relaxation) but the soft glow of candles can make you feel fabulous and help ease the stress away. Plus, having candles lit means that you won’t have to use overhead lighting, which can be stimulating–and not very soothing. 

Make It Musical

Of course, you don’t want to have rock music blaring through your boudoir or bathroom, but the right music or sounds can help set the mood towards soulful bliss. You can search up soothing sounds or make a playlist of acoustic music or even environmental sounds (think rain falling, for example), which can make you feel like you’re out in nature. 

Make A Mask

A mud mask is a great way to help you relax as well as exfoliate your skin. You can buy one or even make one yourself. In fact, prepping your own mask can mentally prepare you for the journey towards relaxation. Oatmeal facial masks (or even ones made from banana or avocado) are good for your skin and smell yummy, too. 

Soak Up The Relaxation

If you choose to make a home spa in your bathroom, taking a soak in your tub is a no-brainer. Make the water nice and warm, and add in essential oils (or even bubbles or bath salts) to add to the experience. You might even opt to add in flowers (such as rose petals, or even chamomile, which can soothe the skin), to make your bath pretty .  

Serve Up A Snack

You may find that after your spa experience that you’re famished. So have a small plate of food on hand to eat afterwards. But you definitely don’t want to overindulge; this isn’t the time for a cheeseburger deluxe. Instead, serving yourself a small meal, like a cheese plate or a fruit salad, will work wonders to restore your energy and if you’re planning to go to sleep afterwards, won’t keep you up with a too-full tummy.   

Having a home spa might seem like a luxury, but it’s actually very important as a part of your overall well-being. It can help calm you down, ease your mind before bedtime, and soothe away the stress of the day. So bring on the fluffy towels, mud masks, and usher in the bliss. 

For more tips on how to find your inner relaxation check out our blog on Mental Health Exercises for Cooped Up Individuals.
