5 Tips For Staying Healthy at Home

By Jennifer Parris

When you’re at home for longer periods of time, it’s easy for the couch to start calling your name. You might find yourself frequenting the fridge more often, or binging your favorite shows from your bed. But staying at home doesn’t mean being unhealthy. In fact, you can actually become stronger physically (and emotionally) when you become more mindful of your at-home habits. Check out these five tips for staying healthy at home!

Wash Your Hands

Even though you’re home, you should still wash your hands frequently in order to stay healthy at home. After all, a quick rinse under the water and wiping your hands on your pants just won’t do. So make sure to lather up with some soap and water for at least 20 seconds to ensure that your hands are fully cleansed. Good hand hygiene is a key component towards your overall health. 

Get Some Exercise

Try to spend at least 30 minutes getting some daily exercise. No gym? No problem. Try out some of the online exercise programs.  You can usually get a free trial. Or just lace up your sneakers and take a stroll around your neighborhood. Of course, at this time, you should definitely practice social distancing and maintain at least six feet of space between you and another individual. But you can also do other activities, such as gardening or play with your kids in the backyard, all of which can burn calories and also help you soak up some very important vitamin D.  

Eat Healthy

Your snacking can certainly increase when you are at home more often. But that doesn’t mean that your food choices have to be unhealthy. Thing is, it’s hard to eat well when your fridge is full of unhealthy treats. So set yourself up for success by stocking your fridge with healthy foods. You might have to clean out the cupboards first in order to get rid of any unhealthy ingredients or processed foods, and then shop for better-for-you food options. Then, when you’re hungry, you’ll have fast, easy, and delicious food choices. 

Stay Social

Just because you’re home doesn’t mean that you have to be a hermit. There are many ways in which you can stay social with friends and family. Try using video conferencing tools like Skype or Zoom so that you can see your loved ones. Or just call them on the phone! It might not be exactly the same as if you were all together, but making an effort to stay connected to those who are closest to you is so important for your mental well-being. 

Challenge Your Mind

Keeping your mind occupied is crucial for your mental health. So if you’re already working from home, make sure you stay healthy by getting up from your desk at least every 30-45 minutes. You can stretch, do some jumping jacks, or even lift weights for a few minutes–anything to keep yourself physically healthy. Otherwise, you can look for online options (such as classes or instructional videos) to keep your mind razor-sharp. 

Whether it’s for a few days, weeks, or longer, it’s important to stay healthy while at home. You’ll not only feel better, (both mentally and physically), but you’ll be happier, too.   

For more tips on how to stay healthy at home check out our blog on Mental Health Exercises.
